My last show in Latvia for 2013 was at Nabaklab in Riga, supported by Karlis Stender and Dzena Trakie, the latter of which blew me away with their whole show. They had an emphasis on creating a ritualistic atmosphere, keeping within a particular Saharan visual aesthetic coupled with the drones, poetic spoken word passages, psychedelic guitar and trance inducing drumming the entire show was captivating, ending just as mysteriously with a reversal of their entrance ritual.
You can hear their music here: Dzena Trakie Bandcamp
After a short sleep and a flight to the UK, I was playing at the Squeeze bar for the Squeezebox Folk evening with the gloomy music of Doomed Bird of Providence, the incredible voice of Fran Morter and Brian Denny, and the poetry of Gabe Hurst. The Squeezebox events are always friendly, intimate affairs and this proved the same. For the first time in a while we played without electronics, just stripping back to guitar, flute and vocals, which worked rather nicely. Hopefully, a recording of part of the show will surface for me to share with you avid readers.
Brian Denny
Fran Morter and Mother (check out her EP available from Moth House Recordings)
Emma and Myself playing together for the first time in nearly two months (Photo courtesy of Amanda from Squeezebox).
That was the last Lost Harbours gig of 2013, now I can settle in front of the fire and read War and Peace for a few days until the turning of the year.
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